Do u want baekhyun 4 for ur Brave Girls Hayun? Howsabout Jonghyun 4, kai 2, Vixx N and/or ravi common, Wonho 3, 5 or Yongguk 1,2 or 4 for ur day6 sungjin or dean 3 or kim wooseok 4, tempest hyeongseop and/or the rose dojoon? nct sungchan, nct 127 doyoung, nct dream renjun, and/or zico 2,3 and/or 4?
Monsta x can go either way, if ur keeping/collecting, ill trade to u MX Wonho common, or ill take ur MX shownu, hyungwon and/or IM;
Column A (im offering)---- Column B (ill take in trade)
Jonghyun 4 ---- day 6 sungjin.
Kai 2 ---- dean 3
Vixx N ---- kim wooseok 4
Vixx ravi ---- tempest hyeongseop
Wonho 3 ---- the rose dojoon
Wonho 5 ---- nct sungchan
Yongguk 1 ---- nct 127 doyoung
Yongguk 2 ---- nct dream renjun
Yongguk 4 ---- maybe hold off for now.
So any thoughts on my scheme? Yay, nay, kiv?
Any or all/or none if u prefer, or just baek 4 for brave girls hayun?

thnx for reading/considering, JP!!