Downpour is currently 3rd place in the table coming from a loss last round but it goes up against one of the songs tied for 7th place which is Flash, will Downpour beat Flash and end on a high note or will Flash get its 1st win by beating Downpour?
Other Round 7 Matches
Dream Girls vs Energetic...
Downpour is currently 3rd place having only lost once so far in the tournament but now it is going up against one of the songs tied for 1st place with 0 losses which is Very Very Very, will Downpour give Very Very Very its 1st loss or will Very Very Very have a chance at not only finishing 1st...
Downpour suffered its 1st loss last round bringing it to 2nd place and now it goes against Spring Breeze which is at 6th place with only 1 win, which song will win this match?
Other Round 5 Matches
La Vie En Rose vs Suki To Iwasetai
Energetic vs Very Very Very
Dream Girls vs Flash
Downpour stands at the top of the table without a single loss to its name but now it faces off against one of the songs tied for its spot as it goes against La Vie En Rose also without a single loss, who will receive their 1st loss in this match?
Other Round 4 Matches
Spring Breeze vs Very Very...
Downpour has been on a roll so far winning both its matches in the tournament and although its opponent Energetic didn't get off to quite as good of a start it did win last round but can it continue its momentum with this round?
Other Round 3 Matches
Flash vs Suki To Iwasetai
Dream Girls vs...
Downpour won its 1st match in the tournament and luckily for Downpour it now goes against one of the songs which lost its 1st match Dream Girls, will this match turn things around for both of these songs or will Dream Girls rack up another loss and Downpour continue winning?
Other Round 2...
I.O.I goodbye song Downpour going up against Iz*One Japanese debut song Suki To Iwasetai, will Downpour be able to beat Suki To Iwasetai to start with an early win or will Suki To Iwasetai get the good start by beating Downpour?
Other Round 1 Matches
Energetic vs La Vie En Rose
Flash vs Very...
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