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girl's day went on hiatus for our sins

  1. VillageIdiot

    Appreciation Girl's Day 10th Anniversary

  2. VillageIdiot

    Appreciation Random Fact from an Insomniac at 12:02

    After the impeachment of Korea's first female president, Girl's Day Female President not only re-entered music charts, but also peaked at #1 trailed by SNSD and Coldplay Appreciate Girl's Day :chickill:
  3. VillageIdiot

    News Dream T Confirms Girl's Day Sojin's Departure from the Agency

    There are rumors that all the remaining members are going to leave Dream T and find an agency to represent them as actresses
  4. VillageIdiot

    Appreciation You Don't Kpop if You Don't Stan This GG

    One of the Boppiest Sexiest Prettiest Ggs to ever exist