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lucid dream

  1. Darkseid

    MV Golden Child releasing actual SOTY in January with "Burn It"

    Not long ago, I said how I was super late to the awesomeness that is Golcha's 2020 track One (Lucid Dream): Very happy to say they might have topped themselves and...
  2. Darkseid

    Appreciation I've literally been listening to only 1 song for the last 3 days!! (And a BG song at that lol)

    Like how tf and why is this so good :sj_weary: And why don't I see anyone talking about it? :jisoosmh: No Golcha enthusiasts in this forum? I like the slow ominous beginning before that electronic sound and bass starts slapping me :sj_weary: And then the gorgeous pre chorus and chorus...