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nv entertainment

  1. Belgizen

    Teaser woo!ah! Sora teasers

  2. Belgizen

    Teaser woo!ah! Songyee teaser

  3. Belgizen

    Teaser woo!ah! Lucy teaser

    One of my two biases :pandalove:
  4. Belgizen

    Debut woo!ah! Debut thread - EXCLAMATION 13.05

    woo!ah! is an upcoming group under nv Entertainment. There will be 6 members. They are scheduled to debut very soon in 2020. Group Pictures Members Nana Kwon Nayeon March 9 2002 Leader & dancer Songyee She is 16 years old. Sora Sakata Sora 17 years old Japanese Wooyeon 17 years...