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  1. JakeyWantsCakey

    Appreciation When Kpop fans say their faves were robbed...

    Han Chowon actually was! Never forget this iconic performance!
  2. maruberry

    What I think IZ*ONE would've been without rigging

    I've been looking at the rankings and the 11th episode ranking seems more or less legit IF I assume it is legit this should be the members who made it in (not necessarily in these ranks, but still) I'll name them in the order they were ranked in episode 11 Sakura Miho Chaeyeon Hyewon Gaeun...
  3. maruberry

    IZ*ONE is F***ED

    Seems like IZ*ONE is getting fucked. Comeback pushed back, brands unfollowing them and removing them from their home pages... Doesn't look good for them. It really doesn't. I imagine the reaction will get only worse when the actual winners are revealed....