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  1. Exi

    When shopping for clothes …

    Do you buy on impulse or on how they can fit in your wardrobe( like how many outfits you can style with the new clothes)? I used to buy on impulse but then I had a closet full of stuff I was either to insecure to wear or don’t really want to wear. Nowadays, I appreciate cute attire but I only...
  2. Hoemantic

    Your last purchases

    Your last purchases Hey everyone! Here's a thread where you can share with other users your latest purchase! It can be anything really, from food to clothing to kpop merch. Extra points if you post a picture! You can even review it if you feel like it lol Have a good day~ I hope this...
  3. FaceMcShooty

    What's the most useless thing you bought online?

    What's the most useless thing you bought online? :pepelook: For me, probably... the LED showerhead I bought on AliExpress :pepeslippy:
  4. jessiejaeun

    Fastest ways to get Kpop goods?

    There are soooooooooooooooo many kpop goods that we could only get in South Korea. Have been doing some research about ways to get these goods overseas. Check out the video attached! Apparently they provide fastest and cheapest way to get these goods all around the world! Check out their...