What has managed to climb up to 5th place in the rankings after picking up two wins while its opponent You And I is sitting tied for 2nd place after only losing one of its matches, but which one will be able to get the win here?
Other Round 7 Matches
Piri vs Scream
Chase Me vs Good Night
Boca received another loss in the last round while You And I picked up another win in the last round, will it go the same way this round or will You And I be on the receiving end of a loss?
Other Round 6 Matches
Fly High vs Good Night
Scream vs What
Chase Me vs Piri
Good Night hasn't lost a match in the tournament so far while You And I has lost one match in the tournament, will You And I receive another loss this round or will Good Night be the one receiving its first loss?
Other Round 5 Matches
Chase Me vs Scream
Fly High vs What
Boca vs Piri
Fly High ended up receiving another loss in its match last round while You And I went on to pick up another win, will the same be said when this round is done or will Fly High manage to beat You And I for another win?
Other Round 4 Matches
Good Night vs Piri
Chase Me vs What
Boca vs Scream
Piri has managed to win both of its tournament matches while You And I only managed to win one of its matches, will You And I pick up another win here or will it receive another loss from Piri?
Other Round 3 Matches
Good Night vs Scream
Boca vs What
Chase Me vs Fly High
Chase Me and You And I both managed to get a win in their first round matches but which one will be able to stay winning after this match?
Other Round 2 Matches
Piri vs What
Fly High vs Scream
Boca vs Good Night
Screams first match is going up against You And I but which one will end up coming out with the win to finish off the round?
Other Round 1 Matches
Boca vs Chase Me
Fly High vs Piri
Good Night vs What
The last match of the tournament features the two songs currently tied for 2nd place with Good Day vs You And I, whichever song wins this match will be 2nd while the loser will be knocked down to 3rd
Other Round 7 Matches
Marshmallow vs Twenty-Three
Lost Child vs Through The Night
Bbibbi vs Friday
Onto the semi-final round of the tournament and it starts off with Lost Child vs You And I which is really a match neither of them can afford to lose. You And I is currently tied for 2nd place and a loss could ruin its chance but You And I is the song Lost Child has to pass next so you could say...
The next match features Through The Night which is currently in 8th place with 0 wins and You And I which is currently in 3rd place and only 1 win behind being tied for 1st, which one will come out the victor here?
Other Round 5 Matches
Friday vs Marshmallow
Bbibbi vs Lost Child
Good Day vs...
The fourth match features Marshmallow vs You And I and while Marshmallow had a strong start, it has fallen behind since and on the other hand You And I had a bad start but has managed to catch up since, which one will win here?
Other Round 4 Matches
Bbibbi vs Through The Night
Good Day vs Lost...
Round 3 starts off with the song that refuses to lose but also can't pick up a win Friday vs You And I which picked up a win last round but will it be able to break Fridays incredible streak of its matches ending in a tie
Other Round 3 Matches
Bbibbi vs Twenty-Three
Lost Child vs Marshmallow...
The fourth match features 2 songs which didn't have the best luck in round 1 since they both lost but there's still time to turn it around by winning here
Other Round 2 Matches
Lost Child vs Twenty-Three
Good Day vs Marshmallow
Friday vs Through The Night
The next match features Twenty-Three vs You And I, Twenty-Three being IUs diss track on netizens and You And I being IUs best selling song on record, which song will take the lead by winning their round 1 match?
Other Round 1 Matches
Bbibbi vs Good Day
Friday vs Lost Child
Marshmallow vs...
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