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  1. Darkseid

    Appreciation Ozy Senpai's 10 fav visual eras in Kpop (GG edition)

    So many visuals, so little time. I'm basing this solely on their look in the MV, and not live stages/photoshoots during the promotional period coz idols have been known to change their styling/hair from the MV to their performances and it would get too complicated. Also this isn't a bias list...
  2. VillageIdiot

    Girl's Day Badge Revamping

    SUGGESTION PERIOD 5/21/2019 - 5/31/2019 Voting Period Preliminary (if Needed) 6/01-6/05 Final 6/05-6/09 BADGES WE NEED* ★Group ★Sojin ★Minah ★Yura ★Hyeri *Jihae's and Ji in's badges will be removed. Jisun's badge is now apart of S#afla Rules Please read before you make badges: HOW TO MAKE...
  3. VillageIdiot

    Appreciation You Don't Kpop if You Don't Stan This GG

    One of the Boppiest Sexiest Prettiest Ggs to ever exist