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airport fashion

  1. shika

    Appreciation irene's casual and humble style is amazing- a thread

    compared to other idols I have made a thread about, irene has a more muted or casual fashion sense, but I still think it's worth mentioning. I adore irene's use of comfort and casual to her advantage. her jeans, long coats, glasses, messy buns, leather & denim jackets, cross body bags and...
  2. kingtae

    I bough new boots and I need you to help me ^^

    hello guys ^^ I bought 3 new boots and I wanted to show them to you! Do you like these? ^^ I will send one pair back cuz money and shi* :P I really hope u can give me opinions on these boots!!!!!!!! I will send one pair back maybe u can help me out here ^^ EDIT I actually already own...
  3. kingtae

    Who got the best airport fashion ?

    Hani Sunmi Jennie Momo Taeyeon Yeri Eunha I got my fav :p