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  1. Bara_Gisladottir

    I got my heavy metal shirts today

    here is what they look like. Gnarly if I say so myself @kimsguardian @Tsukino @naevis
  2. Nobody4444

    News Singers of Vietnamese descent in non-Vietnamese language music (2024 edition)

    J-pop : Singers of Vietnamese descent on the J-pop scene based in Japan that are no longer active on the J-pop scene : - Tu Ngọc Phương Chị (秋玉芳姉) (full Vietnamese) also known as Fonchi (フォンチー) by the Japanese from the Japanese J-pop Idol girl group Idoling!!! and the Japanese J-rock Idol girl...
  3. Bara_Gisladottir

    Photo This band is bloody awesome!

    Melodic Metalcore at its top tier. or prog metal or metalcore and finally djent @raymondchouku @Tsukino @Yachii
  4. Bara_Gisladottir

    I want this album in deluxe edition

    Florence & the Machine. I rarely by limited editions, but this one looks too gnarly to pass up. Dance Fever yes!
  5. Rockman

    Chart V-pop/Vietnamese pop groups

    V-pop boy groups : 1) Da LAB : Thức Giấc - Da LAB (Official Music Video) 2) 365daband : 365DABAND - BỐNG BỐNG BANG BANG | OFFICIAL MV (TẤM CÁM: CHUYỆN CHƯA KỂ OST) : 3) UNI5 : UNI5 | NÓI DỐI CẢ THẾ GIỚI VÌ EM | Official MV : 4) Monstar : MONSTAR - BADADU | Official Music Video : 5)...
  6. Mayday

    Dowoon opens up Youtube channel

    His first upload:
  7. Mayday

    MV Todays repeat

    The music video really potrays a good meaning, and the song is a bop as well. I reccomend checking this out if you haven't already! Stan The Rose ya'll. And to think that he's a rookie...:nekosweat: