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  1. JakeyWantsCakey

    How The UK Government Handles COVID-19 In A Nutshell...

    @SeulPika @JJbaker @notthatmarko your from the UK too, right?
  2. Belgizen

    News Designer Natan halts production

    Designer brand Natan has stopped the production of its clothes temporarily. The reason because of this is because they are going to make masks for police and hospitals. Right now they are aiming to make 5000 masks and will carry the logo of the famous brand. The current designer will distribute...
  3. blueberries

    Appreciation No need to hoard toilet paper anymore!

    Here you can calculate accurate just how much toilet paper you and your family will need: How Much Toilet Paper?! The Coronavirus Toilet Paper Calculator You can even do advanced options such as average number of wipes per toiler trip and sheets per wipe :mgblush: I will last 20 days with what...
  4. maruberry

    How is your family dealing with coronavirus?

    How are you or your family dealing with the coronavirus? For us, since school is all online now we are all just staying at home as much as we can. My father is working from home too. We aren't too worried since we live in the countryside and now only go to the stores as rarely as we can and buy...
  5. blueberries

    News Toilet paper craze- have you already stocked enough?

    Since the Corona virus outbreak, people have started to stock toilet paper to battle the virus. It is still unknown what exactly all this toilet paper will be used for and only information so far is that having year worth is essential for surviving the pandemic. People have taken desperate...
  6. blueberries

    News Trump suddenly bans Travel from EU to USA for month due to poor response over Corona

    Sources: Trump bans travel from Europe to the US over coronavirus Yhdysvalloissa asuva talousanalyytikko Trumpin Euroopalle asettamasta matkustuskiellosta: ”Tietää taloustaantumaa ja vaikuttaa kostolta” (finnish) Trump has suddenly banned travel from EU countries to USA starting from March 20...