Iceland has a lot of freedom. Iceland can tell literally any country in the world to fuck themselves without any fear of reprecussions. Why? Because they are in the middle of fucking nowhere!
When the icelandic banks went bankrupt, the banks in great britain suffered a lot due to it. England...
Please tell me something interesting, that differs your country from other places.
Estonians love to sing. I mean sing in choirs, in our free time, literally anywhere at any time! It is normal in my school that if we are writing something and somebody starts humming, the whole class ends up...
Like the title says!
I'll start off with my home country Estonia!
We LOVE to sing, and every 5 years we hold this big song celebration that lasts 2 days, where choirs from all over the country come together to form one big mega-choir and sing! Last time there was over 20 000 people in that choir!
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