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  1. Bara_Gisladottir

    I am getting my hair colured

    It is between pink, purple or blue green. So stoked. My hair needs it lol @Tsukino @Yachii @Lovely_Cornchips
  2. Bara_Gisladottir

    Appreciation I want to get my hair coloured pink or blue or both

    For my own acceptance sake and also because Ive only had red streaks which was idk average. Just have to wait until it grows again. Might not be worth it though, since I am receding rather badly at the front. @vogue @Saythename17 @Jimmychimchim @JakeyWantsCakey @LiviaRaine @Lady_Grey @Cosmic...
  3. maruberry

    Tell me something unique about your country/culture

    Please tell me something interesting, that differs your country from other places. Estonians love to sing. I mean sing in choirs, in our free time, literally anywhere at any time! It is normal in my school that if we are writing something and somebody starts humming, the whole class ends up...