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  1. maruberry

    18+ A cat doing the nono while a terrified dog tries to pretend it's not there

    Yeeaaaaah.... I'm gonna invoke the "If I had to see it, so do you" on this one!
  2. perhapz

    Photo Here's some pics of the cutest alive being in the world

    the other one in the pic is just a random doggy
  3. FaceMcShooty

    Appreciation Post idols with cats/dogs

    Here's Zuho with his cat: This is so cute :maheart:
  4. maruberry

    How my walk in the forest turned into a rescue mission [True story, just happened]

    So today me and my mother decided to go on a nice long walk with our dog Rudolf! We went over a field and through a forest, over another field onto a road in a forest and the some more! It truly was a LONG walk! (I even took some pictures... I'll post them below) Rudolf got quite thirsty and...
  5. Skinnny

    Cats vs dogs. Battle of the century

    So today is the day, choices will be made between the two most loved pets of all time. Who are none other than cats and dogs. I personally prefer dogs. Cats can be cute sometimes too, I guess but overall they are meh. Dogs on the other hands though are adorable little floofs. Which one out of...