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  1. Darkseid

    Audio Kris Wu X Luhan- Coffee

    They really just dropped this on April Fool's without any warning lol. Usually I don't like Kris or Luhan's style of music in China except like 1-2 songs, but this was pretty good. Luhan still got that amazing voice and Kris with a chill rap :maheart: Also Swaggy T aka ZTao shared this on...
  2. Discipline

    EXO, SUJU and RV are failures

    BUT not in the sense that you think. SM has expressed interest in having a KPOP group system similar to JPOP groups since 2nd gen. They wanted SUJU to have a rotational unit which would change each year, every idol that debuted under SUJU would specialise in something (Eg. Leeteuk with MCing)...