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  1. RandAlThor

    Soo They admit to most of the charges

    but according to the article differ about the value of the bribes. And want a fully closed trial, and the court seems to agree. interesting.
  2. RandAlThor

    Rumor Positive rumors about IZONE and X1

    For a change. the skinny is CJ em is on board and going to run with both groups. Just the fact that there is happy news leaking finally lifts my spirits.
  3. RandAlThor

    Supposedly Dispatch has a new Article on the PD show

    I can't find a real link to quote but if yall find it please post it :) They claim multiple swaps thru out all four seasons. For PD 48 the new story is that the 2 of them sat down and picked the final 12 on Aug 2. After deciding to blow off the online vote all together. for reference Ep 8...
  4. RandAlThor

    MNET is sorry

    Really they are sheish... lets see some numbers baby!!!!