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  1. FaceMcShooty

    Who would win in a fight...

    Who would win a fight between you and your ultimate bias? :pepelook:
  2. maruberry

    Comment and I'll give you a song that I think fits you

    Comment and I'll give you a song that you remind me of or that just comes into my mind when thinking about you! I'll try to keep it mostly to kpop, but I might stray every now and again!
  3. Kedon

    Psst...kid...over here!

    I need you to get a little closer...! i stole this from tumblr
  4. Koala

    Thank u,Blessed

    I wanted to do this somewhere else,but it didn’t feel right. It felt it would be out of place. I wanted to say thank you to the people who got up today,thank you to the people who ask how others Day is and how even mine is,thank you to the ones who never lost themself through the hardest times...