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  1. SkylesDaughter

    I graduated highschool 😜

    and now idk what to do with my life :gyuvinwhat: i graduated like a month ago, but i was so sick which is why i wasn't on here much and then i got too busy with playing roblox and watching tiktok :cold_doge: anyway, i kinda want to quit my job and work somewhere else, but idk where to go or...

    I'm BACK!!

    I have been on hiatus and have been focusing on school
  3. matteoCFO

    Going to forums sometimes feels like talking to a brick wall for me

    I am 17, half-Mexican, and have autism, as you can see from my profile picture of me in real life, I've been working out for 26 days and I have been getting slightly buff, eating healthy, I got really confused and panicked when no one replied to my previous thread because everyone thought I was...
  4. seoriverse

    back to school!

    lolol i was pretty nervous it was my first school day. i don't have a good past with those day, once i had a heatstroke and last year i was so anxious i couldn't eat anything :yolk:it was a pretty chill day but i'm sad, i've had the exact same people in my class for the past three years and now...
  5. raymondchouku

    The Effort of Nothingness

    No, but really I do put effort. But in the past I have had assignments at the end of a semester that would really have no impact on my final grade. Like I'd still have an A if I failed the assignment.. My question: If you had a 95 in a class, but had a required assignment would you put in that...
  6. Baechu

    @ University / College Students 📖

    I‘m starting my very first semester in about 2 weeks. I have sum questions and I’m lowkey scared cause the uni life is getting closer and closer :pepeslippy: Tell me about your own first uni/college experience and please give me tips on how to survive and what do to in your first...
  7. tai

    Are you happy to be out of school/work due to the coronavirus

    To be honest, yes. I cannot stress this enough I hate school with a Firey vengeance. All of the teachers are just rude and the students are not any better its just fights left and right, and don't even get me started on the condition of the bathrooms eugh. Also, the cafeteria food is literally...
  8. maruberry

    The school Kai fans are building is almost complete!

    EXO-Ls are the best fandom out there. I know of no other fandom that on their own create charity projects like this. This kind of a good deed is just amazing. Chinese Aeries are truly amazing. Kaibar has done a great deed. Not sure how accurate this is, but I think it is set to open in...
  9. Buttercup

    Has school end for you already?

    Are you already on your summer break or you're still in the dreadful school? My summer begun already but I'm not doing anything fun like most of my summer time. :pepeslippy:
  10. maruberry

    I really want to tell fuck you to school

    I wish I could be homeschooled... Or whatever the fuck I can besides actually going to school and classes. I learn 10x as much when I am learning by myself and teaching myself than I do in school in lessons. Not to mention that in the lessons I am more bored than at any time else in my life and...
  11. maruberry

    I am tired....

    I am tired and want to sleep... It is 1:30 am... But I can't yet! My tired ass was watching an old 60s French movie with my parents until like 0:30... And then I remembered that I have school and it would be nice to have clean hair for that! SO now I have wet hair and have to wait for it to dry...