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  • i have a question abt your user. is it for the christian singer that passed recently? I loved her songs ^^
    my mom actually listens to the radio more than i do (especially in recent years, but it used to be my childhood listening to hisradio) and she follows a lot of the news on facebook and she said it was all was shocking for me, because i didn't really know her that well but her music coming on the radio was always something i loved
    Yeah, it really is sad. I used to listen to the radio all the time (I still kind of do) and loved listening to it while sleeping. Mandisa's songs would always make me so happy because they were so upbeat and everything and I'll really miss her. 🥺💔
    me too <33
    im so in love with renee rapp
    i also saw mean girls mon lol
    i loved it but it missed some parts :(
    Aww, well at least you still saw it! I wish they would post the music videos on YouTube like most musicals do after a while. The screenplay was nice on some of them!

    What was your favorite song? (they're pretty different from the original musical)
    world burn ofc and u
    Hii :sakUwu: just wanted to take the convo from the event thread over here
    LMO sorry I got carried away...I just had such a good time XD

    Long story short:
    - 200-500+ people
    - Most people stay at the same hotel and leave either Saturday night or Sunday morning
    - Catering or potluck (people bring their own food to share)
    - Make friends with 3rd cousins I've never met who were all like 12-14
    - Friday night is dinner and hanging out at a hotel conference room
    - Saturday we rent out an area of the park or a conference room and is full of lunch, games, slideshow, family scholarship info, and then dinner at like 7
    - we played kickball with about 1/3 of the people (mostly kids)
    - Right after the lunch, my 3rd cousin friends swam in a freezing cold pool at their hotel for a few hours
    :haylul: Ohh you didnt have to shorten it! I love getting all the details and getting to understand it better!
    Oh okay! Well at least it's there LMAO

    My friend and I had a whole conversation about how much DNA we share with each of our relatives and what the technical name for each of them are XD

    Cousins are the most confusing. Your cousin tier (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) is based on what tier of grandparents you both share. You also divide the DNA you share by half each time, starting with 12.5% with your first cousins

    1st cousin - grandparents (parents' parents) 12.5%
    2nd cousin - great-grandparents (parents' parents' parents) 6.25%
    3rd cousin - great-great-grandparents (parents' parents' parents' parents) 3.125%
    And so on...

    (That's why it's generally legal and actually okay to marry your 3rd+ cousin. It's weird but it's not near as bad).

    Your removal is their generation difference from you. For example, if you were a Gen Z and had a first cousin who is Gen Alpha, they would be your first cousin once removed. Or if you were a Millenial and you had a Gen Alpha cousin, they would be your first cousin twice-removed (doesn't impact your DNA relations though). They can also be older than you and still be once-removed, twice-removed, etc.

    Also if you ever wondered what your child of your first cousin (no removed) is, it's your first cousin once-removed because you're guaranteed to have the cousin be another generation than both of you.

    Identical Twins, Triplets, etc. - 100%
    Biological Full-Parents/Siblings - 50%
    Aunts/Uncles/Half Siblings - 25%
    Grandparents - 25%

    It's pretty easy to understand assuming that all your relatives married someone not closely related to them lmao.
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