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  1. Tiffany

    Announcement Migration is done

    Hi all, Sorry that it took a long time, initial estimate from my part was an hour, but it took around three hours in the end. The migration was necessary because users reported cards list getting slower to load (new server has better & more powerful CPU) and we have been holding moving back to...
  2. Tiffany

    Announcement (Completed) Doing live migration, service disruption might happen.

    I am moving our forum to a much larger server as our disk is filling up, i am attempting a live migration after doing some research on it, there might be weird issues but should be minimal, will update this thread once migration is complete.
  3. Tiffany

    Information We are migrating our image files. (Completed)

    For the next hour, please refrain from editing any old posts with attachments served from our forum, we are transferring image files from an obsolete endpoint to a new one. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.